This is the draft of my double page spread. After print the DPS onto paper, I came to the conclusion that the text of the interview was too big, this will be made to 11pt instead of 12pt. This will also mean more writing to fill the space of the box will need to be made.
After posting this entry, I realised that I had mispelt "exclusive" and this will need changing. Also, the "Dusty Diamond: Exclusive interview" is too close to the page edge, this will need to be moved over several pixels.
This is my first draft of my double page spread (DPS). While observing the DPS, I drew to the conclusion that the pages werent connected and it looked two seperate pages. The flower brushes used on the right hand page doesnt connect with the left hand page. I will edit the right hand page to connect the floral pattern to the right page.
The image I will be using for my table of contents page will be taken at a close up angle, using a tripod. I will then edit the image, using Adobe Photoshop, adding text and editting the contract and colour saturation. On the opposite page, I will use the brush tool to create an interesting background and add the interview text, title and introduction.
During the implementation process of the table of contents, I chose to shorten the length of the contents box, as not to overlap the picture. The last number is also black as to show up against the white section of the background.
For my table of contents and double page spread, I planned a photoshoot, which i will take photos for these pages. I have planned what will be included in the shot, the angle, shot type and distance, flashing/lighting, the background and details of editting.
The image I will be using for my contents page will be taken at a slightly elovated angle, using a tripod. I will then edit the image, using Adobe Photoshop, by removing the background and replacing with a black backdrop. I will then use the gradient tool to create "square rainbows" to follow the theme of the magazine's genre, of electro/rave music. I will also edit the contrast to blend in the background and the photograph. This will make the photograph authentic and that it has actually been taken on a black background and not "cut out" of another photo. The font i will be using for the titles will be a thick block text, the title "contents" and the page numbers will be backwards.
This is the first draft of my front cover. I created it in Adobe Photoshop, this is due to it being the most appropriate editting software for my magazine project. This also gives me the ability to layer images, use default and downloaded brushes and default effects to aid the authenticity of my magazine. The elements that differ from the mock up is the alignment of the coverline and explanitory text.