Monday, 27 April 2009

Thursday, 2 April 2009

Final DPS

This is my final draft of my DPS. I corrected punctuation, grammar and spelling from my previous draft. I also changed the size of the text and its positioning to fit correctly. The floral pattern is also now on the left page to correlate with the right hand page.

Final Front Cover

This is my final draft of the magazine's front cover. I have changed the explanitory text writing from pink to white with a black undershadow, as I felt that the pink clashed with the title. There is also an addition of the bar code, issue number and price which gives the front cover a higher authenticity.

I drew inspiration from magazines such as Pop, supersuper and I-D magazine. The photo in which I took looks similar to the adverts by the brand 'American Apparel'. These are urban and less commercialised type shoots.

Final TOC

This is my final draft of the table of contents. I have chosen to keep it minimalistic as if more was added to the contents I feel it would over shadow the importance of the photo and design of the magazine and would not correlate with it. Due to the rest of the magazine being quite alternative and pushing typical magazine conventions, for the table of contents to then fit in with mainstream magazines would then not look appropriate. The only editorial pillar is a slight incite into what the interview features, this is due to the right hand side lacking substance.